6 124 entrées en anglais
List of English terms published in the GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS
Pages dans la catégorie « ENGLISH »
Cette catégorie comprend 6 124 pages, dont les 100 ci-dessous.
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- McDonald-Kreitman test
- McNemar's test
- Mean
- Mean absolute deviation
- Mean Absolute Error
- Mean deviation
- Mean difference
- Mean lethal dose
- Mean shift
- Mean square value
- Mean Squared Error
- Mean values
- Mean-linkage clustering
- Measure
- Measure function
- Measure of central tendency
- Measure of location
- Measure of variation
- Measurement Based Quantum Computing
- Measurement data item
- Measurement error
- Measurement error model
- Measurement of mass
- Measurement unit label
- Measures of central tendency
- Meatware
- Mechanical theorem prover
- Mechanism design
- Mechatronics
- Medial test
- Median
- Median calculation
- Median effective dose
- Median lethal dose
- Median unbiased confidence interval
- Memetic algorithm
- Memetics
- Memoisation
- Memoization
- Memory dump
- Memory resident database
- Memory-based learning
- Memtransistor
- Meronym
- Mesokurtosis
- Meta-algorithm
- Meta-analysis
- Meta-learning
- Metabolic network modelling
- Metabolic networks
- Metadata
- Metafile
- Metaheuristic
- Metaknowledge
- Metamaterials
- Metaverse
- Method of least squares
- Method of moments
- Method of momentum
- Method of steepest descent
- Metric
- Metric learning
- Metrics
- Metrics API (tf.metrics)
- Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
- Mexican-hat function
- Michaelis constant
- Micro-opto-electro-mechanical device
- Micro-opto-electro-mechanical system
- Microdata
- Microoptoelectromechanical system
- Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit
- Microtasking
- Microworld
- Middleware
- Mini-batch
- Minibatch
- Minimal spanning tree
- Minimal sufficient statistics
- Minimal weight spanning tree
- Minimax algorithm
- Minimax regret principle
- Minimax strategy
- Minimum aberrations
- Minimum chi-squared
- MInimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimation
- Minimum redundancy feature selection
- Minimum spanning tree
- Minimum value
- Minimum weight spanning tree
- Minimum-maximum chart
- Minitab
- Minkowski's inequality
- Minkowski–Bouligand dimension
- Missing value
- Missing values
- Mistral 7B
- Misuse detection
- Mixed distribution
- Mixed Integer Non Linear programming