Système de production

Révision datée du 19 avril 2019 à 21:43 par Claude COULOMBE (discussion | contributions) (nouveau terme - Attention! Équivalent et définition tiré du GDT!)


Intelligence artificielle
Représentation des connaissances
Système à base de connaissances



Définition du Grand Dictionnaire Terminologique:

Système de résolution de problèmes utilisant une base de connaissances constituée de règles de production, une base de faits et un interpréteur de règles.


système de production



Production system (computer science)

A production system (or production rule system) is a computer program typically used to provide some form of artificial intelligence, which consists primarily of a set of rules about behavior. These rules, termed productions, are a basic representation found useful in automated planning, expert systems and action selection. A production system provides the mechanism necessary to execute productions in order to achieve some goal for the system.

Productions consist of two parts: a sensory precondition (or "IF" statement) and an action (or "THEN"). If a production's precondition matches the current state of the world, then the production is said to be triggered. If a production's action is executed, it is said to have fired. A production system also contains a database, sometimes called working memory, which maintains data about current state or knowledge, and a rule interpreter. The rule interpreter must provide a mechanism for prioritizing productions when more than one is triggered.