« Model Parameters » : différence entre les versions

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== Définition ==
#redirection [[paramètre de modèle]]'''
Voir '''[[paramètre de modèle]]'''

== Français ==
'''paramètre de modèle'''
== Anglais ==
''' Model Parameters'''
'''Model hyperparameters'''
In a machine learning model, there are two types of parameters:
a) Model Parameters: These are the parameters in the model that must be determined using the training data set. These are the fitted parameters. For example, suppose we have a model such as house price = a + b*(age) + c*(size), to estimate the cost of houses based on the age of the house and its size (square foot), then a, b, and c will be our model or fitted parameters.
b) Hyperparameters: These are adjustable parameters that must be tuned to obtain a model with optimal performance. 
It is important that during training, the hyperparameters be tuned to obtain the model with the best performance (with the best-fitted parameters).
[https://www.kdnuggets.com/2020/12/20-core-data-science-concepts-beginners.html  Source : kdnuggets]

Version du 3 janvier 2022 à 15:28

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Contributeurs: Claire Gorjux, Imane Meziani, wiki