Analyse sémantique stochastique


Intelligence artificielle
Traitement de la langue naturelle


L'analyse stochastique sémantique est une approche sémantique proposée à la fin des années 1990 en IA pour la compréhension du langage naturel.

Les modèles sémantiques stochastiques utilisent généralement les segments de mots comme unités de base. Ces modèles ont été appliqués à la traduction automatique de conversations spontanées et à la compréhension de la langue parlée spontanée.


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Stochastic semantic analysis

Stochastic semantic analysis is an approach used in computer science as a semantic component of natural language understanding.

Stochastic models generally use the definition of segments of words as basic semantic units for the semantic models, and in some cases involve a two layered approach.[1]

Example applications have a wide range. In machine translation, it has been applied to the translation of spontaneous conversational speech among different languages.[2] In the area of spoken language understanding the fact that spoken sentences often do not follow the grammar of a language and involve self-corrections, repetitions, and other irregularities, the use of stochastic semantic has been suggested as a natural fit to achieve robustness to deal with noise due to the spontaneous nature of spoken language.[3]