Liste anglaise des termes
Essentiellement, des redirections vers des termes publiés dans le Catégorie:GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS
Plusieurs termes anglais en construction sont toujours dans la catégorie Vocabulary et seront majorés ici lors de leur publication dans le GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS.
Pages dans la catégorie « ENGLISH »
Cette catégorie comprend 6 113 pages, dont les 100 ci-dessous.
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- Datapumping
- Dataset
- Dataset annotation
- Dataset API (
- Dataset labeling
- Dataset tagging
- Datasphere
- Datatification
- Dataviz
- Datum
- DB Manager
- DBaaS
- De Casteljau's algorithm
- Deamon dialing
- Decentralized Artificial Intelligence
- Decentralized case-based reasoning
- Decile
- Decision boundary
- Decision function
- Decision logic
- Decision making
- Decision rule
- Decision stump
- Decision support system
- Decision theory
- Decision tree
- Decision tree learning
- Decision-Maker
- Decision-making logic
- Declarative programming
- Declarative representation
- Declarativism
- Declassify
- Decomposable models
- Deconvolution
- Decreasing failure rate
- Dedicated logic
- Deduction reasoning
- Deductive classifier
- Deductive data base
- Deductive database
- Deductive reasoning
- Deep Belief Network
- Deep Belief Networks
- Deep Blue
- Deep convolutional GAN
- Deep convolutional generative adversarial network
- Deep Dream
- Deep feature
- Deep Features
- Deep generative model
- Deep learning
- Deep machine learning
- Deep model
- Deep network
- Deep neural net
- Deep neural network
- Deep Q learning
- Deep reinforcement learning
- Deep Residual Network
- Deep structured learning
- Deep Thunder
- Deepfake
- DeepMind
- Default logic
- Default value
- Defective unit
- Defense in depth
- Defensive Distillation
- Deferred time processing
- Degree of confidence
- Degree of Freedom
- Degrees of freedom
- Dehaene–Changeux model
- Dekker's algorithm
- Delaunay triangulation
- Deliberative agent
- Delta-Bar-Delta
- Demilitarized zone
- Demodulation
- Demographic Data
- Demographics
- Demon
- Dempster-Shafer theory
- Dendral
- Dendrogram
- Denial of Service
- Denial of service
- Denoising Autoencoders
- Denominator synthesis
- Denormalisation
- Denormalization
- Dense feature
- Dense layer
- Density Functional Theory
- Density-based clustering
- Deny list