Liste anglaise des termes
Essentiellement, des redirections vers des termes publiés dans le Catégorie:GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS
Plusieurs termes anglais en construction sont toujours dans la catégorie Vocabulary et seront majorés ici lors de leur publication dans le GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS.
Pages dans la catégorie « ENGLISH »
Cette catégorie comprend 6 113 pages, dont les 100 ci-dessous.
(page précédente) (page suivante)E
- Egress Traffic
- Ehrenfest model
- Eigen decomposition
- Eigen vector
- Eigenface
- Eigenspace
- Eigenstate
- Eigenvalue
- Eigenvector
- Elastic Net
- ElasticNet
- Elasticsearch
- Elbow method
- Electric field
- Electro-absorption modulator
- Electro-magnetic wave
- Electro-optic phase shifter
- Electroabsorption modulator
- Electromagnetic spectrum
- Electromagnetic wave
- Electron
- Electron shells
- Electronic signature
- Elementary unit
- Ellipsoid method
- Elliptic-curve cryptography
- Elliptical distribution
- Elliptical normal distribution
- Ellsberg's paradox
- ELSA speak
- ELT process
- EM algorithm
- EM wave
- Email bombing
- Email filtering
- Emanation security
- Embedded artificial intelligence
- Embedded intelligence
- Embedded sentence
- Embedding
- Embodied agent
- Embodied conversational agent
- Embodied intelligence
- Embodiment
- Emission security
- Emotion AI
- Emotion recognition
- Empirical distribution
- Empirical distribution function
- Empirical exponential family
- Empirical risk minimization
- Empty clause
- Emu Video
- Encoder-decoder model
- Encrypted text
- End system
- End-to-end encipherment
- End-to-end encryption
- End-to-end learning
- End-to-end translation
- End-user system
- Endogenous variable
- Energy Levels
- Energy-based model
- Enhanced Interaction
- Enhanced interaction framework
- Ensemble
- Ensemble averaging
- Ensemble learning
- Enshittification
- Entailment
- Environmental statistics
- Epigenetic robotics
- Epipolar geometry
- Epistemic logic
- Epoch
- Eps
- Epsilon
- Equal diagonal Factor Analytic covariance structure
- Equal variance testing objective
- Equipment emission
- Equitable game
- Equivalence testing
- Equivalent dose
- Equivariant estimator
- Ergodicity
- Erlang distribution
- Error
- Error back propagation
- Error band
- Error corrected data set
- Error correction data transformation
- Error correction objective
- Error feedback propagation
- Error function
- Error margin
- Error of estimation
- Error of first kind
- Error of observation