6 123 entrées en anglais
List of English terms published in the GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS
Pages dans la catégorie « ENGLISH »
Cette catégorie comprend 6 123 pages, dont les 100 ci-dessous.
(page précédente) (page suivante)D
- Divergence
- Divisia's index
- DMD2
- Docker container
- Domain adaptation
- Domain model
- Dominance-based rough set approach
- Donsker's theorem
- Doppler effect
- DoS
- Dose response curve
- Dot chart
- Dot graph
- Dot plot
- Double backprop
- Double exponential distribution
- Double hypergeometric distribution
- Double logarithmic chart
- Double logarithmic graph
- Double sampling
- Double-blind
- Double-log chart
- Double-log graph
- Double-ratio chart
- Double-stage sampling
- Double-tailed test
- Doubly stochastic matrix
- Doubly stochastic Poisson process
- Drawing a conclusion
- Drawing a conclusion based on data
- Dremel
- Drill Down
- Drill up
- Dropout
- Dropout regularization
- DSPy
- Duality principle
- Dummy Variable
- Dump
- Duncan's multiple comparaison test
- Duncan's test
- Dunn's test
- Dunnett's test
- Durbin Watson statistic
- Durbin-Watson statistic
- Dusty data
- Dynamic Bayesian Network
- Dynamic constraint satisfaction problem
- Dynamic model
- Dynamic Neural Network
- Dynamic programmation
- Dynamic programming algorithm
- Dynamic time warping
- E-mail bombing
- Eager learning
- Early stopping
- Ebert test
- Echo state network
- Eclat algorithm
- Ecologic study
- Ecological fallacy
- Econometrics
- Edge AI
- Edge Analytics
- Edge computing
- Edge detector
- Edge effects
- Edge interface
- Edgeworth's series
- Effect size estimate
- Effective branching factor
- Effective dose 50
- Effective index method
- Effective range
- Effector
- Efficiency
- Efficiency factor
- Egress Traffic
- Ehrenfest model
- Eigen decomposition
- Eigen vector
- Eigenface
- Eigenspace
- Eigenstate
- Eigenvalue
- Eigenvector
- Elastic Net
- ElasticNet
- Elasticsearch
- Elbow method
- Electric field
- Electro-absorption modulator
- Electro-magnetic wave
- Electro-optic phase shifter
- Electroabsorption modulator
- Electromagnetic spectrum
- Electromagnetic wave
- Electron
- Electron shells
- Electronic signature