6 113 entrées en anglais
List of English terms published in the GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS
Pages dans la catégorie « ENGLISH »
Cette catégorie comprend 6 113 pages, dont les 100 ci-dessous.
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- Nagle algorithm
- Naive Bayes classifier
- Naive semantics
- NAK Attack
- Name binding
- Name correlation
- Named graph
- Named-entity recognition
- NaN trap
- Nanobeam resonator
- Nanophotonics
- Nanoscale photonics
- Narrow AI
- Narrow artificial intelligence
- National Information Infrastructure
- Natural language
- Natural language comprehension
- Natural language generation
- Natural Language Processing
- Natural language text generation
- Natural language understanding
- Natural referencing
- Natural search
- Natural-language programming
- Navigation mesh
- Near miss
- Near-miss
- Near-miss example
- Negation as failure
- Negation by failure
- Negative binomial distribution
- Negative class
- Negative correlation
- Negative factorial multinomial distribution
- Negative multinomial distribution
- Negative variational free energy
- Neighborhood
- Nelder-Mead method
- Nelson-Aalen estimator
- Nested case-control study
- Nested hypotheses
- Net correlation
- Network address translation
- Network edge analytics
- Network Level Firewall
- Network motif
- Network of samples
- Network Security
- Network Security Officer
- Network security zone
- Network Weaving
- Neural connection
- Neural embedding
- Neural gas
- Neural language model
- Neural layer
- Neural link
- Neural Machine Translation
- Neural modulator
- Neural net
- Neural network
- Neural network regularization
- Neural radiance field
- Neural Turing Machine
- Neuro-fuzzy
- Neuro-modulator
- Neurocybernetics
- Neuromodulator
- Neuromorphic
- Neuromorphic chip
- Neuromorphic computing
- Neuromorphic engineering
- Neuron
- Neuron layer
- Neuron network
- Neuronal network
- Neurone layer
- Neurone à base radiale
- Neuroscience systems
- Neurosciences
- Neurosymbolic AI
- Neurosymbolic artificial intelligence
- Neurotransistor
- Newman-Keuls test post-hoc analysis
- NewSQL
- Newsvendor Inventory Problem
- Newton's method
- Newton-Raphson method
- Neyman model
- Neyman-Pearson lemma
- Neyman–Rubin causal model
- NFL theorem
- No diagonal Factor Analytic covariance structure
- No Free Lunch theorem
- No-cloning theorem
- No-code machine learning
- Node
- Noir