6 108 entrées en anglais
List of English terms published in the GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS
Pages dans la catégorie « ENGLISH »
Cette catégorie comprend 6 108 pages, dont les 100 ci-dessous.
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- Stationary distribution
- Stationary population
- Stationary process
- Stationary stochastic process
- Stationary time series
- Statistica
- Statistical analysis
- Statistical Analysis System
- Statistical Approach
- Statistical chart
- Statistical classification
- Statistical classification problem
- Statistical control
- Statistical decision function
- Statistical dispersion
- Statistical distance
- Statistical error
- Statistical graphics
- Statistical hypothesis
- Statistical hypothesis test
- Statistical hypothesis test objective
- Statistical Hypothesis Testing
- Statistical independence
- Statistical induction
- Statistical inference
- Statistical learning theory
- Statistical literacy
- Statistical map
- Statistical method
- Statistical model
- Statistical model selection
- Statistical numeracy
- Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
- Statistical population
- Statistical quality control
- Statistical Quantity
- Statistical relational learning
- Statistical reliability
- Statistical sample
- Statistical series
- Statistical significance
- Statistical test
- Statistical test power
- Statistical test power analysis
- Statistical tolerance region
- Statistical universe
- Statistically significant
- Statistics and Probability Concepts
- Steepest ascent
- Stein's method
- Stein's paradox
- Stein-Chen method
- Stem and leaf diagram
- Stem and leaf display
- Stem and leaf plot
- Step size
- Step-Back Prompting
- Stepping-stone state
- Stepwise regression
- Stepwise regression analysis
- Stereogram
- Stereology
- STING clustering statistical information grid clustering
- Stochastic dependence
- Stochastic gradient descent
- Stochastic independence
- Stochastic kernel
- Stochastic matrix
- Stochastic maximum likelihood
- Stochastic model
- Stochastic optimization
- Stochastic Parrot
- Stochastic process
- Stochastic programming
- Stochastic semantic analysis
- Stochastic transitional probability matrix
- Stochastic variable
- Stochastic volatility
- Stochastics
- Stop-or-go sampling
- Storage medium
- Storm
- Strassen algorithm
- Strata chart
- Strategic knowledge
- Stratification
- Stratification after selection
- Stratification rule
- Stratified sample
- Stratified sampling
- Stratum chart
- Stratum population
- Streaming data
- Strictly standardized mean difference
- Stride
- Strong artificial intelligence
- Strong law of large numbers