6 116 entrées en anglais
List of English terms published in the GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS
Pages dans la catégorie « ENGLISH »
Cette catégorie comprend 6 116 pages, dont les 100 ci-dessous.
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- Alignement problem
- All-pole model
- Allometry
- Allow list
- Allowlist
- Almeida–Pineda recurrent backpropagation
- Alpha distribution
- Alpha error
- Alpha factoring
- Alpha-beta cutoffs
- Alpha-beta pruning
- Alpha/beta search
- AlphaGo
- Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
- Alternative Hypothesis
- Altman box and whisker plot
- Amalgamation paradox
- Ambient intelligence
- Ambiguity
- Analog computer
- Analogical learning
- Analogical modeling
- Analogical reasoning
- Analogue computer
- Analogy-based learning
- Analysis of algorithms
- Analysis of dispersion
- Analytic regression
- Analytic survey
- Anaphor
- Ancestral sampling
- Ancestry-filtered resolution
- Anderson-Darling test
- AngularJS
- Animat
- Animat approach
- Annealed importance sampling
- Annotation
- Anomaly
- Anomaly detection
- Anonymisation
- Anonymization
- Ansari-Bradley dispersion test
- Answer set programming
- Ant colony optimization
- Ante-dependence covariance structure
- Antecedent
- Anthropomorphic virtual character
- Anthropomorphism
- Anti-antivirus virus
- Anti-monotone constraint
- Antivirus program
- Antivirus software
- Anyons
- Anytime algorithm
- Apache Cassandra
- Apache Chukwa
- Apache Drill
- Apache Flume
- Apache Hadoop
- Apache Hadoop YARN
- Apache HBase
- Apache Hive
- Apache Impala
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Mahout
- Apache MxNet
- Apache Oozie
- Apache Pig
- Apache Singa
- Apache Spark
- Apache Sqoop
- Apache Storm
- Apache Thrift
- Apache ZooKeeper
- Application programming interface
- Applied Intelligence Platform
- Applied machine learning
- Applied ML
- Apprentissage de la quantification vectorielle
- Apprentissage en quelques coups
- Approximate algorithm
- Approximate bayesian computation
- Approximate string matching
- Approximation algorithm
- Approximation error
- Apriori algorithm
- Arborescence
- Arborescent structure
- Arbre de décision QUEST
- Arc sine distribution
- Architecture micro-batch
- Arcsine distribution
- Area comparability factor
- Area sampling
- Area under curve