6 197 entrées en anglais
List of English terms published in the GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS
Pages dans la catégorie « ENGLISH »
Cette catégorie comprend 6 197 pages, dont les 100 ci-dessous.
(page précédente) (page suivante)H
- Histogram distribution
- Historical prospective study
- Historigram
- Hit selection
- HitPaw Video Enhancer
- Hitting point
- Hoeffding's inequality
- Hoeffding’s inequality
- Holdout data
- Holdout Sample
- Hollander-Proschan test
- Holm-Bonferroni family-wise error rate correction method
- Holography
- Holonym
- Holt-Winters Forecasting
- Homogeneity
- Homogeneity test objective
- Homograde
- Homoscedastic
- Homoscedasticity hypothesis
- Homoscedasticity test
- Hopfield Network
- Hopfield neural network
- Horizontal federated learning
- Horn clause
- Hosmer-Lemeshow test
- Hot-encoding
- Hotword
- Hough transform
- HSD test of Tukey
- Hudson-Kreitman-Aguade test
- Huffman Coding
- Hugging Face
- Human-computer communication
- Human-computer interaction
- Human-in-the-loop
- Human-machine communication
- Human-machine dialogue
- Human-machine interaction
- Human-to-human interaction
- Hurst coefficient
- Huynh-Feldt covariance structure
- Hybrid quantum algorithm
- Hyper basis function network
- Hyper Parameters
- Hyper-heuristic
- Hyperautomation
- Hyperbolic distribution
- Hyperbolic secant distribution
- Hyperbolic tangent
- Hypercube
- Hyperdimensional computing
- Hyperexponential distribution
- Hypergeometric distribution
- Hypergeometric test
- Hypermédia
- Hypernym
- Hyperonym
- Hyperparameter
- Hyperparameter optimization
- Hyperparameters optimization
- Hyperparameters tuning
- Hyperplane
- Hyperprior
- Hypersphere
- HyperText Markup Language
- Hypertext processor
- Hypothesis
- Hypothesis language
- Hypothesis Testing
- Hypothetical variable
- Hétérograde
- Hölder's inequality
- I-divergence
- I.i.d. sample
- IA test
- ID3 algorithm
- Identification
- Identifier
- Identity Matrix
- IDistance
- If-added method
- If-added procedure
- If-needed method
- If-needed procedure
- If-removed method
- If-removed procedure
- IForest
- Iid sample
- Ill-conditioned
- Ill-conditioned Matrix
- Illusory association
- Illusory correlation
- Image