6 108 entrées en anglais
List of English terms published in the GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS
Pages dans la catégorie « ENGLISH »
Cette catégorie comprend 6 108 pages, dont les 100 ci-dessous.
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- Locally constant prior
- Locally weighted scatterplot smoothing
- Location Data
- Location-based addressing
- Log chart
- Log Loss
- Log signal intensity ratio
- Log-linear analysis
- Log-linear model
- Log-log chart
- Log-log graph
- Log-logistic distribution
- Log-normal distribution
- Log-odds
- Log-rank test
- Log-series distribution
- Logarithmic chart
- Logarithmic diagram
- Logarithmic distribution
- Logarithmic graph
- Logarithmic line chart
- Logarithmic normal distribution
- Logarithmic series distribution
- Logarithmic transformation
- Logic
- Logic bomb
- Logic learning machine
- Logic programming
- Logic programs
- Logic Theorist (le théoricien logique ou de la logique)
- Logic-based machine learning
- Logical consequence
- Logical entailment
- Logical groupings of variables
- Logical implication
- Logical predicate
- Logical quantum bit
- Logical qubit
- Logistic distribution
- Logistic Model Tree
- Logistic regression
- Logit
- LogitBoost
- Lognormal
- Lognormal distribution
- Lomax distribution
- Long short term memory memory network
- Long short term memory neural network
- Long short-term memory
- Longitudinal Study
- Longitudinal survey
- Loopy belief propagation
- Lorenz curve
- Loss
- Loss function
- Loss matrix
- Loss optimization
- Lotka-Volterra equations
- Low rank matrix factorization
- Low-rank adaptation
- Low-shot learning
- Lower confidence limit
- LPBoost
- Lévy distribution
- M-estimator
- MA plot
- Mach-Zehnder interferometer
- Machina sapiens
- Machine learning
- Machine learning as a service
- Machine learning control
- Machine learning engineer
- Machine Learning Operations
- Machine learning systems
- Machine listening
- Machine perception
- Machine to machine
- Machine translation
- Machine Unlearning
- Machine vision
- Machine-generated speech
- Machine-learned ranking
- Magic states
- Magic states distillation
- Mahalanobis distance
- Mahout
- Mail bombing
- Mailbombing
- Main memory database system
- Majorana fermion
- Malicious code
- Malicious program
- Malicious software
- Mallows's Cp
- Mallows's Cp statistic
- Malware
- Mamba
- MambaFormer pour les séries temporelles