6 108 entrées en anglais
List of English terms published in the GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS
Pages dans la catégorie « ENGLISH »
Cette catégorie comprend 6 108 pages, dont les 100 ci-dessous.
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- Weight function
- Weight Initialization
- Weight scaling
- Weighted arithmetic average
- Weighted arithmetic mean
- Weighted average
- Weighted index number
- Weighted least squares estimation
- Weighted majority algorithm
- Weighted mean
- Weighting coefficient
- Weighting factor
- Weka
- Well-formed formula
- Wet artificial life
- Wetware
- White list
- White Noise
- Whiteboarding
- Whitelist
- Whitening
- Wide model
- Wiener process
- Wilcoxon rank sum test
- Wilcoxon signed rank test
- Wilcoxon test
- Wilcoxon's test
- Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test
- Wilk's lambda distribution
- Wilkinson dot plot
- Windowing
- Winnow algorithm
- Winsorisation
- Winsorization
- Wireless Access Point
- Wishart distribution
- Within subject comparison objective
- Within subject comparison statistical test
- Wizard of Oz experiment
- Wizard of Oz method
- Wn² test
- Wolfram Mathematica
- Woolf's test
- Word embedding
- Word sequence
- Word string
- Word tagging
- Word vector
- Word-sense disambiguiation
- Word2vec
- Working mean
- Worm
- Ŷ
- Y hat
- Y hat (Y chapeau)
- Y-axis
- Y-hat
- Yate's corrected Chi-Squared test
- Yates analysis
- Yates's algorithm
- Yates's chi-squared test
- Yates's Correction
- Yates's correction for continuity
- Yobibyte
- Yottabyte
- Youden square
- Yoyo Mode
- Yule distribution
- Yule's hyperbolic distribution
- Yule-Simon distribution
- Yule-Walker equations
- Yule–Simpson effect