6 123 entrées en anglais
List of English terms published in the GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS
Pages dans la catégorie « ENGLISH »
Cette catégorie comprend 6 123 pages, dont les 68 ci-dessous.
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- A star algorithm
- A* algorithm
- A/B testing
- A/B/n Testing
- Αβ pruning
- Αβ search
- Abduction reasoning
- Abductive logic programming
- Abductive reasoning
- Abilene paradox
- Abnormality
- Aboutness
- Abrupt change
- Abscissa axis
- Absence of association hypothesis
- Absence of depletion hypothesis
- Absence of difference between groups hypothesis
- Absence of difference hypothesis
- Absence of enrichment hypothesis
- Absence of negative difference hypothesis
- Absence of positive difference hypothesis
- Absence of within subject difference hypothesis
- Absolute component band chart
- Absolute deviation
- Absolute dispersion
- Absolute error
- Absolute frequency
- Absolute risk
- Absorbing barrier
- Absorbing Markov chain
- Absorption
- Abstract data type
- Abstract programming
- Abstract Reasoning
- Abstraction predicate
- Accelerated failure time model
- Acceptable quality level
- Acceptance inspection
- Acceptance number
- Acceptance quality level
- Acceptance quality limit
- Acceptance region
- Acceptance sampling
- Acceptance testing
- Acceptance tree
- Accepter
- Access control
- Access control list
- Access-oriented programming
- Accord.NET
- Accuracy
- Ackermann function
- Ackermann-Péter function
- Acoustic model
- Action language
- Action learning
- Action specification
- Activate
- Activation Function
- Activation level
- Activation word
- Active Learning