6 113 entrées en anglais
List of English terms published in the GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS
Pages dans la catégorie « ENGLISH »
Cette catégorie comprend 6 113 pages, dont les 100 ci-dessous.
(page précédente) (page suivante)F
- Feature map
- Feature reduction
- Feature selection
- Feature set
- Feature spec
- Features engineering
- Federated learning
- Feedback propagation
- Feedforward network
- Feedforward neural network
- Fermi-Dirac statistics
- Fermions
- Ferreri distribution
- Fertility gradient
- Few shot learning
- Few-shot Learning
- Fiber amplifier
- Fiber optical switch
- Fiber-optic multiplexer
- Fiber-to-chip coupler
- Ficher's formal concept analysis
- Fiducial inference
- Fiducial probability
- Field
- Fieller's theorem
- Filtering router
- Fine tuning
- Finite automaton
- Finite classification
- Finite Difference Equation
- Finite Markov chain
- Finite population
- Finite-state automaton
- Finite-state machine
- Fire
- Fire wall
- Firewall
- Firing rate
- First order autoregressive covariance structure
- First order autoregressive moving average covariance structure
- First quartile
- First-order logic
- First-order predicate calculus
- First-order smoothing
- First-party data
- First-principles AI
- Fisher exact test
- Fisher information
- Fisher LSD
- Fisher's distribution
- Fisher's Exact Test
- Fisher's method
- Fisher's Test
- Fisher-Irwin test
- Fisher-Yates test
- Fisherian Formal Concept Analysis
- Fisherian Statistics
- Fisher–Snedecor distribution
- Fixed effects model
- Fixed interval sampling
- Fixed variate
- Fixes-effect model
- Flag
- Flash Attention
- FlashAttention
- Fleiss' kappa
- Flemming-Viot process
- Flood
- Flood fill
- Flooding
- Flow training
- Floyd Warshall algorithm
- Floyd’s cycle finding algorithm
- Fluent
- Fluid intelligence
- Flume
- Flying qubits
- Fock space
- Focused information criterion
- Fog computing
- Fog networking
- Fogging
- Fokker-Planck equation
- Fold change
- Folded contingency table
- Folded distribution
- Folded normal distribution
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- Forest plot
- Fork Bomb
- Formal concept analysis
- Formal language
- Formal language theory
- Formal neuron
- Formal neurone
- Formula of total probability
- Forward chaining
- Forward equation