6 123 entrées en anglais
List of English terms published in the GRAND LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS
Pages dans la catégorie « ENGLISH »
Cette catégorie comprend 6 123 pages, dont les 100 ci-dessous.
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- Text-to-video synthesis
- Text2image
- Text2image generator
- Text2image synthesis
- Text2video
- Textual conclusion
- Textual entity
- Tf.Estimator
- Theano
- Theorem prover
- Theorem provers
- Theorem proving
- Theorem solver
- Theoretical computer science
- Theoretical variable
- Theory of computation
- Theory of fuzzy sets
- Theory of learning
- Thermo-optic effect
- Thinking machine
- Third quartile
- Third-party data
- Thompson sampling
- Thompson sampling algorithm
- Thread
- Threat Agent
- Threat and risk assessment
- Three dimensional cartesian coordinate system
- Three dimensional cartesian spatial coordinate origin
- Three dimensional region
- Threshold model
- Thrift
- Théorie calculatoire des nombres
- Tidypolars
- Tidyverse
- Tied rank
- Tiger Team
- Tightened inspection
- Tiled convolution
- Tilted time window
- Time complexity
- Time domain
- Time measurement datum
- Time reversal test
- Time sampled measurement data set
- Time series
- Time series analysis
- Time series data
- Time stamped measurement datum
- Time unit
- Time-delay neural network
- Times-series sorecasting
- TimesFM
- Tiny machine learning
- TinyML
- To retract
- Tobit model
- Tobler hyperelliptical projection
- Tobler's first law
- Toeplitz covariance structure
- Tokenization
- Tokenizer
- Tolerance
- Tolerance limit
- Top-down
- Top-down filtering
- Top-down processing
- Top-nodes algorithm
- Topological
- Topology
- Topology-preserving map
- Torch
- ToT
- ToT prompting
- Total correlation
- Tracking study
- Traffic intensity
- Training curve
- Training data
- Training error
- Training model
- Training rate
- Training set
- Transduction
- Transductive inference
- Transductive learning
- Transfer function
- Transfer learning
- Transferability
- Transformer
- Transhumanism
- Transition matrix
- Transition system
- TransMamba
- Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
- Transmission disequilibrium test
- Transparency
- Transparent artificial intelligence